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Friday, February 11, 2011

Lincoln, Grant and Reagan

Growing up in Illinois I was aware that the state laid claim to two presidents: Abraham Lincoln and Ulyssess S. Grant. With a state motto of 'Land of Lincoln' Honest Abe was all around. On the other hand I was a bit confused that Grant's Tomb was in New York! When Ronald Reagan was elected president Illinois could now boost three favorite sons that made it to the White House.

Abraham Lincoln's birthday is February 12th and his life has been well documented. There are also the challenges to his official parentage. As we all know, it is all in the research and the citations. I have posted a link to let you judge for yourselves.

This September the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference will be in Springfield. Attendees will have a chance to visit the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and if you have Illinois ancestors Springfield is a goldmine of records and archives.

If you are interested in exploring the lives of these men or knowing more about Springfield I have listed a number of helpful links.

Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference

Abraham Presidential Library and Museum

Illinois State Archives @ Springfield

Galena State Historic Sites

Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home

A Challenge To Abraham Lincoln's Ancestry

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