Sunday July 3
* Idaho became a state on this date in 1890
* The Idaho State Historical Society Library has created a substitute for the 1890 census. Visit:
Monday July 4
* Independence Day
* If you trace your ancestry to one of the founding fathers then the “Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence” will be of interest. Visit:
Tuesday July 5
* “It is a poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word.” Attributed to Andrew Jackson
Wednesday July 6
*Facebook and Genealogy: Share updates to your family research through Facebook, this will encourage other family members to join in the conversation. Visit:
Thursday July 7
* Genealogy and Photographs: Ancestorville: Where Families Meet Again Visit:
Friday July 8
* Genealogy Glossary: Direct Line Family line of people who are related to each other as a child and parent.
Saturday July 9
* Just Starting in Genealogy? Just because you find a family tree with your great grandparents name does not mean it is YOUR ancestor. Never accept other researcher’s conclusions without thorough investigation and documentation.
Have a great time researching!
Take Care,
Everyday Genealogy
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