I have spent the last month under the weather and unable to concentrate for long period of time. That may be a bad combination for writing my blog but it did give me a chance to sit for hours looking up variations of the surname Haag and who lived at 93 Sands Street in Brooklyn in the early part of the 20th Century!
To read about my research on the Haag family check out my new Pack Peddler's Blog entry. Now for some tips to help you in your research.
Sunday October 30
* Iowa Graves Project - WPA - Works Project Administration 1930’s Graves Registration Survey
* Counties not indexed by the 1930s WPA Graves Registration Project, and thus not included in the database on this web site, include Appanoose, Benton, Cherokee, Clinton, Dallas, Des Moines, Dubuque, Hardin, Humboldt, Ida, Iowa, Jasper, Lyon, Monona, Osceola, Pottawattamie, and Warren.
* For more information on WPA Projects check out this article: Records of the Works Projects Administration
* Cyndi's List has a comprehensive list of WPA and other Depression Era Projects
Monday October 31
* Nevada became a state on this date in 1864
* Nevada counties started recording births and deaths in 1887 and are available at the Nevada County Recorder's offices or online.
* Check out Joe Beine's Nevada's Death Records
Tuesday November 1
* Researching in Scotland can span four languages: English, Gaelic, Scots and Latin.
* A name might be Hamish in a Gaelic record, but James if it is recorded in English.
Wednesday November 2
* North and South Dakota became a state on this date in 1889
* The North Dakota State University has a digital collection, online databases, and biographies
* South Dakota residents were counted in the census of Wisconsin in 1836, in Iowa in 1840 and in Minnesota in 1850 as the Pembina District.
Thursday November 3
* Researching in Scandinavia?
* When researching it is important to understand naming patterns of the region. Your ancestor’s last name in Finland may have been taken from the farm they lived on as an adult. Example: Isakki Lyllykorpi became Isakki Keturi when he moved to the Keturi farm.
Friday November 4
* Planning a combination vacation/research trip? Or researching at home?
* Check out the Public Library Site to find local, college, state libraries and more!
Saturday November 5
* Guy Fawkes Day
* The Gunpowder Plot Society traces the events of November 5, 1605 when a group of 13 men tried to blow up Parliament.
* Check out the Gunpowder Plot Society website to see if your English ancestor was involved!
I will be speaking, along with my genealogy buddy Pam Treme at the Florida State Genealogical Society's Annual Conference on November 11th and 12th. If you live in or around the Orlando area please come by!
Take Care,
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