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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Revolutionary War - 236 Years Ago Today

With all the articles and programs about the 150th anniversary of the Civil War I almost missed another significant anniversary. Today is the 236th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the beginning of the Revolutionary War. If your ancestors were among the first settlers you may be connected to some of the most significant events in our history.

Below are some great websites to start learning more about the American Revolution and to start researching your Revolutionary ancestors.

The Boston Tea Party Historical Society

The Glorious Cause for American Independance - The American Revolution - The American Revolution

Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants

The Official Federal Land Records Site (BLM)

American Revolutionary War Transcriptions on Olive Tree Genealogy

My favorite book is no longer available on either Amazon or Barnes and Noble except from resellers (charging way too much!), but if you can find or borrow Patricia Hatcher Law's - Locating Your Roots: Discover Your Ancestors Using Land Records do so.

Also, if you did not see it when it aired a few years ago rent, borrow or buy John Adams (HBO Miniseries).

Take Care,

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